Experience index
This section of PsychonautWiki is dedicated to providing a catalog of written personal experiences involving hallucinogens or other psychoactive substances. It is organized so as to link each report with its relevant subjective effects (for future projects utilizing large-scale data analysis).
Submit an experience report:
To create a new report, you may either email it to us at team@psychonaut.wiki or submit a title into the box below, copy and paste the text from the experience report template, and modify it using the guidelines below. The title should be formatted as "SubstanceName (Dose, Route of Administration) - Short descriptive title"
Note: Please do not directly add links to your finished report to individual substance articles. They are designed to display automatically after the report has been approved and finalized by an administrator.
To do the best of your ability, please try to:
- Format the report according to this template. The title should be "Experience: Dosage SubstanceName (Route of Administration) - Short Descriptive Title" and submit it under the appropriate substance section.
- Include as much detail as possible (to the extent you feel comfortable sharing). This should include the substance taken, dose and route of administration, the set and setting, the range of effects experienced, or the plots of any specific hallucinations that may have occurred. Also try to include the age, sex, weight, and experience level of the user.
- Focus on reporting the psychoactive and other effects of the substance itself instead of activities undertaken during the experience.
- Follow the relevant terminologies listed in the Subjective Effect Index. This allows the community to document its experiences in a way that is understandable and self-consistent.
- Keep grammar and spelling to a reasonable standard.
- For additional information, consider reading the Qualia Research Institute's Guide to Writing Rigorous Reports of Exotic States of Consciousness.
Experience reports
- 1050 µg 1cP-LSD - The matrix by Polytoxopam
- 1 tab 1P-LSD (oral) - Finding myself within the forest by Messiah
- 100ug 1P-LSD - A Fear and loathing into Bliss by TheVoidToucher42
- 100ug 1P-LSD (oral) + Cannabis - Self Realizations by Tryp7amine
- 200μg 1P-LSD (oral) - Blissful Paradise by WoWox
- 200µg 1P-LSD (sublingual) + 12mg CBD - The Vortex of Empathy by Random Output
- 300ug 1P-LSD (oral) - Rainbow Tubes and Becoming One With Humanity by Francis McCormick
- 300ug 1P-LSD + 40mg diphenidine - My first psychotic break by Rhz
- 500ug 1P-LSD (oral) - Infinite Unity by RoadTrip
- 1000ug / 1 tab 25I-NBOMe - No sense of enlightenment but absolutely breath taking visuals by Anonymous
- Unknown dosage / 1 tab 25I-NBOMe - Prolonged unity and messiah syndrome at school by H0bcnd2
- Unknown dosage / 3 tabs 25I-NBOMe - Ego death and a total break through in the snow by H0bcnd2
- Unknown dosage 25I-NBOMe - Becoming an indian god with my boyfriend and creating universes by Anonymous
- Unknown dosage 25I-NBOMe - Ego death and becoming one with a singular entity by Anonymous
- 2C-C - Various Doses by Anonymous
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT - I looked up and saw an angry god-like figure made of clouds glaring down at me by Oskykins
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT (insufflated) - permanent all-encompassing states of unity and interconnectedness by Oskykins
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT - A profound sense of oneness by Oskykins
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT (insufflated) - I was overcome with feelings about my family by Oskykins
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT - Relationship problems by Oskykins
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT (insufflated) - Three years of sustained unity and interconnectedness by Oskykins
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT - High Weight, No Effects by Anonymous
- 20mg 4-AcO-DMT - Intense Fear and Terror by B.orp
- 25mg 4-AcO-DMT - A labyrinth of organs and a storybook walk by Marsh7579
- 25mg 4-AcO-DMT (insufflated) - Simultaneously amazing and horrible by Niamh
- 25mg 4-AcO-DMT (insufflated) - An interesting night of television by Anonymous
- 26mg 4-AcO-DMT - I begged the shroom aliens to kill me by Oskykins
- 26mg 4-AcO-DMT - Stage 3 Trip by Billnye
- 35mg 4-AcO-DMT (rectal) - Colorful Bliss of Ice Cream by HandsomeOwl
- 35mg 4-AcO-DMT - Highly introspective by teglin
- 40mg 4-AcO-DMT + Syrian Rue (unknown dosage) - My one bad trip by Gregasaurus
- 40mg 4-AcO-DMT + Syrian rue (3g) - My triumphant return by Gregasaurus
- 40 mg 4-AcO-DMT - A relaxing morning in the park by Gregasaurus
- 40mg 4-AcO-DMT - Brothermind and the Forest's Hand by Phantasmagoria
- 40mg 4-AcO-DMT (oral) - Are those entities real? by JRtoujours
- 50mg 4-AcO-DMT - How's the short-term memory? by Oskykins
- 60mg 4-AcO-DMT + Syrian rue (3g) - Surrender by Kaylee
- 60mg 4-AcO-DMT - Nonstop Quasi-Orgasmic Objectless Euphoria by Unity
- 70 mg 4-AcO-DMT - Overcoming personal problems by TheReplicator
- 100mg 4-AcO-DMT (insufflated) - Went deep in a dark house by Anonymous
- 170mg 4-AcO-DMT Recklessness rewarded by SexNumberDrugNumber
- 4-AcO-DMT + 200mg Pill by JackDaniels
- 15mg 4-HO-MET (insufflated) by Perry
- 15mg 4-HO-MET - My First Trip by Boyks
- 20mg 4-HO-MET (oral) - Into a Galaxy of Persian Rugs by Shulmann1943
- 22mg 4-HO-MET (oral) by Ponty27
- 25mg 4-HO-MET (oral) by SailorJim
- Dosage unknown 4-HO-MET (oral) - Very rapid acting, visual experience with lasting cognitive effects by Fire Healer
- 4-HO-MiPT - A care free psychedelic getaway by Tymush
- ~10mg 4-HO-MiPT - Very Promising Material by Psychedelicphilosophy
- 25mg 4-HO-MiPT - Treating lifelong insomnia by Penelope
- 30mg 4-HO-MiPT - Positively groovy by Summer
- 2g Syrian rue + 1g Mimosa Hostilis - These voices are the building blocks of consciousness by Anonymous
- 2.5g Syrian rue + 6g Mimosa Hostilis - My first experience with unity by Josikins
- 2.5g Syrian rue + 6g Mimosa Hostilis - Becoming God (my second experience with unity) by Josikins
- 3g mimosa / 2g syrian rue - I was the Universe's prophet by Gregasaurus
- 3g mimosa / 3g syrian rue - Connecting with my body by TheReplicator
- 3g Syrian Rue + 5g Acacia Confusa - Life Changing Madness by Marwyn
- 3.5g Syrian rue + 30g Mimosa Hostilis brew - flying through a rainbow tunnel by Gregasaurus
- 3.5g Syrian rue + 50g Mimosa Hostilis - I was trying to engage in sexual intercourse with the personification of Ayahuasca by Gregasaurus
- 3.5g Syrian rue + 10g Mimosa Hostilis by inquisitiver
- 6g mimosa / 2.5 g syrian rue - Best cake I've had for a while by Gregasaurus
- 2g Syrian rue + 1g Mimosa Hostilis - These voices are the building blocks of consciousness by Anonymous
- DMT (unknown dose, smoked) - It felt like I was on rails the whole time by Gregasaurus
- 1,1mg DMT 1/5 changa x3 – The continuation by Antiharmonix
- 40mg DMT - Second breakthrough by Whataredrugs
- 25mg DMT - Your wall can't save you by Salem
- 25mg 50% DMT Changa + Cannabis (smoked) – Insights into my consciousness by Learner
- 30mg DMT (smoked) - The Monolith by TheVoidToucher42
- 40mg DMT (smoked) - The planet became a watermelon by Gregasaurus
- 40mg DMT smoked - Ego death and unity with a friend by Sem'anis
- ~50mg DMT + Cannabis - Geometric Angels by Salem
- 50mg DMT Demon faces and déjà vu by Salem
- 50mg DMT - Truth by Kaylee
- 60mg DMT (smoked) – passing out by OTTO
- 75mg DMT- Experiencing death by Kaylee
- 75mg DMT (smoked) – Bad trip with illustration by Consumerofdrugs
- 80mg DMT - progressing deeper into states of unity and interconnectedness by Anonymous
- 200mg DMT 1/5 changa - Bad yet glorious trip by Antiharmonix
- 337mg DMT fumarate - A Day With DMT by Phantasmagoria
- Unknown dosage DMT (smoked/vaporized) – Unexpected Correspondences by TertiaryPrime
- Unknown dosage DMT (smoked/vaporized) – She Struggles then Finds Beauty and the Nature of DMT Itself by TertiaryPrime
- 300µg ETH-LAD - Turned Inside Out by Anonymous
- 300µg ETH-LAD - Turned Inside Out by Anonymous
- ~8 seeds of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - I think I'm getting it by Entheogenie11
- 50 seeds of Morning Glory - Nausea, Euphoria, Sedation by LazyFox
- 250 seeds - Harsh body load by P. Josepherum
- 270 seeds of Morning Glory - My favourite one so far by Kiffy
- 800 seeds LSA - My First Trip Ever by Cannabis Entity
- 1000 mgr seeds - Rediscovering the Self by Phantasmagoria
- Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (5 seeds) - Five seeds from hell by Wispy
- LSA (20 HWBR seeds) – A pleasant adventure with a harsh body load by o6villma
- 1 blotter LSD - My first exorcism by UnusualCR
- 1 hit LSD (unknown dosage) - Choose Asia by Anonymous
- 1 tab LSD - First Time Experience by Hofmann
- 2 hits of LSD + weed - Mindfuck by Xdenwpi
- 2.5g Peganum Harmala + 250µg LSD - Ecstasy of Love and Misanthropy by Phantasmagoria
- 105μg LSD - Unlocking The Door by Proqsy
- 120µg LSD - First Bad Acid Trip, Psychosis by Xan-xander-xan
- 120ug LSD - An Overdose of LSD and Trip into Insanity by Progoslomo
- 130ug LSD - Warmth and the Truth by [user:Kenneth3G|Kenneth3G]]
- 150µg LSD + Cannabis - 150µg lsd and a shitload of weed by Aaronthegerman
- 210ug LSD - Poles at the Peak by Sunson JT
- 215µg LSD - Supermarket Amnesia by Acetyl
- 220ug LSD + Cannabis - Tripping at home by Terpgenious
- 225ug LSD - Sheer Awe and Joy by Kaylee
- 230ug LSD - An amazing adventure by Vikilikepsych
- 250ug LSD - Bulk Acid by Minoplays
- 250µg LSD - Unity and interconnectedness by Psychodelic
- 300ug LSD - The Pyramid Universe by Anonymous
- 300ug LSD - The mysterious community by Mosquitoball
- 300ug LSD - Profound religious experience by Oskykins
- 2 x 150 LSD tabs by Anonymous
- 300ug LSD - A Real Wake-Up by Iwihbn
- 312.5µg LSD - Togetherness and the Silent Dusk by Phantasmagoria
- 388ug LSD + Cannabis - The Terror of Eternity by Bigcretin
- 400ug LSD + weed + nitrous -- Fundamental insights into the universe by Aleks
- 400ug LSD - An afternoon in "a" garden by Mattyboi
- 437.5μg LSD - Everything at once by Awesomedude 1
- 480ug LSD (sublingual) - 480ug of LSD in a subway train by Kurkkukeitto69
- ~500μg LSD (sublingual) + Noopept - Mind Reset by Extremix
- 660ug LSD - First bad trip by Dan0117
- 660ug LSD - Panic, Terror, Mass Hysteria... Freedom by Xeiko
- 4x 200ug LSD tabs - You do not need to understand by Gregasaurus
- 800ug LSD (sublingual) - 3D Vision by Extremix
- 1100ug LSD (oral) - Time reversal, spiders, and the hospital by Spiderman
- 1,55mg LSD - The Report by Antiharmonix
- LSD - Into the Multiverse by Mt flyer05
- Unknown dosage LSD - My experiences with LSD and anorexia/bulemia by Anonymous
Mescaline / Cactuses
- 0.16g Psilocybe Cubensis - Dosage Independent Intensity by Rylee Witch
- ~0.5g Mushrooms - Autonomous Voice by Xan-xander-xan
- 1g Mushrooms - 1g of stars and love by Nanosphere
- 1.5g Psilocybe Cubensis by WispyWalldorff
- 1.5g Psilocybe Cubensis - Analysis of body and mind by Ayytemp1
- 2g Psilocybe Cubensis + 2.7g Syrian Rue - The Psilohuasca Albino Fox by WhiteFox
- 2g Psilocybe Cubensis - First Spiritual Experience(?) by Jalrag
- 2.5g Mushrooms - Swim's first mushroom trip by Anonymous
- 2.5g Psilocybe Cubensis B+ strain - epiphany of nondualistic reality by ConcurrentReality
- 3g Mushrooms - I found god inside of myself by Oskykins
- 3g of Mushrooms - Reset on my Life, Experiencing Satori and the Cosmic Perspective by MountainTraveler
- 3.5g psilocybe cubensis - Relinquishing of Material Chains/Fear and Desolation by Phantasmagoria
- 3.5g Mushrooms and Snuff Films by MountainTraveler
- 4g Mushrooms - States of unity and interconnectedness by Anonymous
- 4.5g Mushrooms - The Grand Introduction to Beauty and Fear by Gopib
- ~4.8g Psilocybin Mushrooms (Chocolates + Capsules) - A challenging first trip by New explorer
- 5g Mushrooms - Failed attempt at a Terence Mckenna style trip by Psychedelicphilosophy
- 5.3g psilocybe cubensis - Dimensional Circumstance and the Fabric of Understanding by Phantasmagoria
- 15g Psilocybe Truffles - First experience by Adam
- 80-100 Psilocybe Subaeruginosae by Budgetadvisoryservice
- Unknown Mushrooms dosage - An omniscient sphere by Anonymous
Combinations of psychedelics
- 150mg MDMA + 20mg 2C-B - I designed it this way myself by Oskykins
- 225ug LSD + 9g cubensis - Galactic Melt and the Meverse by Phantasmagoria
- Unknown Dosages: 1 psilocin chocolate, 1 hit LSD; Lawing the Mown by Jonny v.17
- A combination of 25mg 4-AcO-DMT and unknown amount of 6-APB (benzofury) by Areaofinfinity
- 45mg 2cc & 45mg 4-aco-dmt - Ego death and loneliness by WinterXYZ
- 2.5g Mushrooms + 500mg DMT by Graphene
- 400µg LSD + 7.9g cannabis - Pure Energy by CatkinMildew
- 400ug LSD + 40mg 4-AcO-MET (insufflated) - Meeting Yourself by Anonymous
- 22mg 2C-B (oral) / 100ug 1P-LSD (sublingual) - My first time tripping alone (2 days in a row) by 8Brainzap8
- 150mg MDMA + 20mg 2C-B - I designed it this way myself by Oskykins
- 14mg 3-MeO-PCE - Notes by Anonymous
- 20-30mg 3-MeO-PCE (insufflated) by Greybear
- 100mg DXM and Cannabis - Unexpected Strong Trip by Xan-xander-xan
- 125mg DXM (oral) by Jellyfishtroll06
- 225mg DXM (oral) - A Missed Opportunity by DropTherapy
- 250mg DXM - DXM Itch and Trip Report by Toocookedcookers
- 250mg DXM - Fun but Underwhelming by Mrtostados
- 300mg DXM + 25mg DMT + Cannabis - A crazy night by Wispy
- 300mg DXM - Brink of the third by Ninacchi
- 350mg DXM - A surprisingly profound experience by Josikins
- 354mg DXM, weed, nicotine - Descending into the void by Guywhovisitedthevoid
- 535mg - My First DXM Trip by Cannabis Entity
- ~650mg DXM (oral) - Long euphoric trip by Floom
- 700mg DXM - To the dextroverse. by DemFractalsYo
- 750mg DXM - Experiencing Void; Dissociation Of Reality And Self by Lee243
- 1200mg DXM - A calm flood by XxcreepychrisxX
- 1000mg / 1200mg / 1400mg / 1600mg DXM - heroic doses by Anonymous
- 1064mgs DXM - Fascinating DXM experience - Unusual effects by Hesychasm
- 50mg Ketamine (esketamine) i.m. - Exploring space heights and ocean depths by Discogoat
- 75mg Ketamine (insufflated) - Wandering through the winter night by DiscoGoat
- 200mg Ketamine (insufflated) - Quasi sexual experience by Nonesuch
- 260mg Ketamine (insufflated) - Lost in Paisley by Tragicomedy
- 300mg Ketamine (Insufflated) - The Void: Finding peace in death by Hella
- 500mg Ketamine (insufflated) - A Nauseating Voyage Through Parallel Universes by IJUSTPOPPEDAXAN
- Unknown dosage Ketamine - States of unity and interconnectedness by Anonymous
Nitrous Oxide
Amanita muscaria
- 400mg DPH - Barking Paper by Delirio
- 550mg DPH - My First Time on DPH by Caleb.rhea
- 550mg DPH - Bugs All Around Me by Crypsis
- 650mg DPH - Midnight walk by Chedaki91
- 600 - 700mg Diphenhydramine by AnnaElizabeth
- 700mg DPH - Joining the 700 club by Cocoanatta
- 700mg DPH - Diphenhydramine trip by AnnaElizabeth
- 750mg DPH - The Dancing Invisible Men Come to Life! by Dr. Dingus
- 120mg - Unexpected 'trip', insane CEVs by Paradox
- 210mg Mirtazapine - Psychedelic Delirium by Raaxxis
- 120mg Mirtazapine - Extremely sedating and dreamlike CEVs by PsychoNut
- 175mg Mirtazapine and 1g Cannabis - Bugs, Lizards and Continuity by Kuaf
- 190mg Mirtazapine - Comparable high to common dose Vicodin by Distilledsun
Nutmeg / Myristicin
- 80mg MDMA (rectal) - Comments on rectal bioavailability by Learner
- 100mg MDMA + Cannabis - Trip Report by Bigfeatherblue
- 150mg MDMA + 20mg 2C-B - I designed it this way myself by Oskykins
- 250mg MDA / 250mg MDMA - unnecessarily large dosage by Tealdeer
- 250mg MDMA (oral) - Pareidolia & paranoia by Cloud Zero
- 450mg MDMA - Quarter consumption through whole night by Dylan
- 580mg MDMA or MDA (oral) by SunnyCr
- 750mg MDMA - Possibly some MDA through metabolisation? by Anonymous
Nicotine / Tobacco
Theobromine / Cacao
- 20mg Heroin - The Last Time I Shot Up by Anonymous
- 25mg Quetiapine - Nice buzz by Anonymous
Combinations of depresants
- A combination of tramadol, clonazepam, gabapentin, and dimenhydrinate by Mkultra
- 40mg Zolpidem / 20mg Diazepam - Please Don't Do This by Cannabis Entity
- 1.2 g gabapentin, alcohol, and half of 150 mg Effexor XR - Pretty lovely for socializing and giggles by Corticosteroid
- Clonazolam + 2-methyl-AP-237 (unknown dosage) - Cardiac arrest by Polytoxopam
- Kratom + Phenibut + Cannabis - Warm Bliss by PsychoticCorpse
- 3g Phenibut & 2 drinks Alcohol - A Bad Idea by AliasFakename
Combinations and other substances 
- Moderate Dosage (Hybrid) - Creative Bliss by Foxmilk
- Unknown dose - Supermarket dislocation and biking by Zortaw
- Psychedelic Experience on Cannabis - Meeting Zeus with 3 bowls of cannabis indica by WispyWalldorff
- 3 bowls of cannabis indica by Zygomatt
- Cannabis Hybrid (moderate dose, smoked and vaporized) by Caerus
- 300mg Cannabis Unity by Maethor1337
- Cannabis 5 Hits - Awesome in Retrospect by Entheogenie11
- Citalopram 10 mg and Cannabis 7 hits by Corticosteroid
- An experiement combining mangoes and cannabis by Oskykins
- 50-75mg Cannabis edible - OEV's by RB
- Cannabis (smoked) - Memes at School byTenshiCat
Salvia divinorum
- 15mg 15x Salvia extract - Becoming a machinescape by Josikins
- 20x Salvia divinorum Extract - a tall humanoid figure wearing a white cloak by Anonymous
- 20x Salvia Divinorum extract - Parade of the Shepardess by Interbeing
- 20x Salvia Divinorum extract (smoked) - Scary Cartoon Land by Jaykayhole
- 40x Salvia divinorum Extract - Bastard Wizard and his miserable little witch by Gregasaurus
- 40x Salvia Divinorum extract (smoked) - First time tripping ever. Lego Land by Salvia_Divinorum
Dextromethorphan (DXM) & Diphenhydramine (DPH)
- 3 drops of cinnamon bark oil/ 5 drops of german chamomile oil/ 2mL of nutmeg oil in lecithin - experiments with nutmeg oil by Anonymous
- An Excessive Amount - N,N DMT / Marijuana - Stuck Inside an Egg by Salem
- 3-MeO-PCP, LSD, Clonazolam, and Amphetamine - Excessive Amounts and Excessive Confusion by MDMQualone
- A combination of DOC, 5-MAPB, 5-MeO-DMT, ETH-LAD, Cannabis, Pentedrone by MDMQualone
- 150mg of MDMA with 700mg of DPH - Nightmare flipping by DPH entity
- 60 μg LSD and 280 mg DXM - An intense slap by Lennardini
- Zaleplon + 4-HO-MET by Matteo
- 5-EAPB (60mg) + 2-FMA (20mg) + 4-AcO-DMT (10mg) - Emotional catharsis by Reflection
- 110mg Diphenidine (vaporized) + 354mg DXM- instant ego death by Here2seebees
- 340mg DXM + 30mg DMT (smoked) + Cannabis - Amazing Synergy by Dr Innocuous
- ~6000mg DXM + 4g's Red Vein Kratom + HHC + Nitrous - Five Days of Disassociation by Andre2155
- 450mg Pregabalin + 20mg Methylphenidate - Gaba Flipping by Slippo
- 1g Salvia divinorum + DXM + Nitrous + Tobacco - A journey into godhood with Diviner's Sage by Aeternitatis
Meditation, dreams, psychosis, sobriety, etc 
See also