Feel free to contact me. I am usually on the wiki's irc channel under the usernames oscarette or oskykins. You can also email me at
"Every drug, legal or illegal, provides some reward. Every drug presents some risk. And every drug can be abused. Ultimately, in my opinion, it is up to each of us to measure the reward against the risk and decide which outweighs the other." - Alexander Shulgin
Notes for the wiki
Trip reports
- 20mg (insufflated) - Four years of sustained unity during everyday sober living
- summer 2014 - 50mg 4-AcO-DMT - How's the short-term memory?
- december 29, 2013 - 150mg MDMA + 20mg 2C-B - I designed it this way myself
- june 10, 2013 - 20mg 4-ACO-DMT - I looked up and saw an angry god-like figure made of clouds glaring down at me
- march 16, 2013 - 26mg 4-ACO-DMT - I begged the shroom aliens to kill me
- february 17, 2013 - 300ug LSD - Profound religious experience
- march 24, 2012 - 20mg 4-ACO-DMT (insufflated) - I was overcome with feelings about my family
- april 2012 - 20mg 4-ACO-DMT - Relationship problems
- april 16 2012 - 20mg 4-ACO-DMT - A profound sense of oneness
- june 22, 2012 - 3g - I found god inside of myself
- 20mg (insufflated) - permanent all encompassing states of unity and interconnectedness

Fight Club
Adventure Time, Rick and Morty
Vanessa Carlton, Stars, Bluetech, Shpongle, OTT, Tally Hall, Metric, Regina Spektor
Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Portal
Tea, booze.
Sustained Unity award from Josikins
Acheivement from Cocoanatta
Diploma Certification by PJosepherum
Discovering the Will of Oneness achievement from Slipping into Sanity
Yin yang award from Josikins
21 Successful Solar Orbits Achievement from Josikins
Durham, North Carolina,
Madison, Wisconsin,
July 27th
Tripping balls in the name of science for the good of the cosmos
I have lived in:
- United Kingdom with Josikins
- North Carolina with Josikins and Kaylee
Hi there, I'm one of the wiki's founders and have been involved in this project since 2013 alongside my wife Josikins.
I have dedicated my life to this site because I sincerely hope that it will help others and make a small difference in the world.
In terms of my responsibilities for the wiki, I am in charge of all editorial work including overseeing all edits that are made, quality control, proofreading, copy-editing, and fact checking. I am also responsible for writing harm reduction information (including the responsible drug use section) as well as general content production, site moderation, and the direction/future of both PsychonautWiki and DEIS.
Feel free to write a message on my board with any concerns about the site or questions regarding how to edit the wiki, etc. I'm here to help. :) <3