
Leaving the Earth better than I found it. Solving the world's water problem. Spreading psychedelic awareness. Philosophical exploration.
I have a strong, undying passion for life and everything in it. I have first hand experiences with death, love, brutality, human stupidity, government corruption, and revelation of universal consciousness. I am peaceful and full of love. Life is amazing.
Psilocybin Mushrooms. Penis Envy Psilocybe Cubensis are my favorite! :)
1984, or anything else by George Orwell
Freedom! by Adam Kokesh
Doors of Perception, Brave New World, and Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley
November 23rd
University Student
I am a young but experienced psychonaut who has dedicated his life to psychedelic exploration and research. I am well learned in the fields of these sacred substances and advocate responsible use of entheogens. I am developing technologies to change the world and wish to spread the message of the psychedelic community to the world through my research and accomplishments.
Namaste, love, and light to all you brothers and sisters.