User:Cannabis Entity

The subjective effects section is my home.
I regret that I used benzodiazepines for the comedown of most trips I've had. I could've made some insane trip reports. Any trips that I have in the future, I will not take any benzodiazepines for the comedown, and I'll make trip reports again. Hold me to it.
"Always go too far, because that’s where you’ll find the truth." -Albert Camus
Over the years, I've done so much shit that I don't even remember anymore.
Requiem for a Dream
Breaking Bad
The Caretaker- Everywhere At The End Of Time
Zolpidem 60mg, Etizolam 6mg, 1P-LSD sheets
LSA extract, DXM cough syrup
October 25th, 1998
I'm 22 years old. I want to understand myself by any means possible. Through the use of psychoactive substances, I have been able to see more aspects of my consciousness than I ever imagined to be possible.