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Psychoactive substance documentation

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twitter: @UnityPSY

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Edits 9,242
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Chris Choi


San Diego, California


Director & Lead Editor at PsychonautWiki


Duke University (Bachelor's Neuroscience)

About me

Everything that rises must converge.

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posted 407 days ago


I'm not sure where else to put this, so i'm asking you directly, could you approve the rolicyclidine article, or maybe make it visible so others have a chance to edit it too? It could use some improvements for sure as i'm generally not too familiar with the stylistic tone of this wiki.

Thank you, Df

posted 594 days ago

Hey Unity, just wanted to express my gratitude for the work you have done on this wiki, finding this website has changed my life certainly for the better. Thank you for what you do!

P.S: Is there any particular reason why the Kava Page is not visible?

Kind Regards, Torinberger

posted 690 days ago

Could you review the discussion and also the dosage information for Flubromazepam. The dosage information appears very inaccurate and possibly dangerous.

posted 837 days ago

Whats wrong With The DMAA page why does nothing show up

posted 903 days ago

Created page 1D-LSD. Added some valuable info and stopped once I realized I don’t know what I’m doing. Thanks for finishing it.

posted 1240 days ago

Hi Chris,

Hope you are doing well. Just wondering why we always usee Template:SubstanceBox/xxx instead of SubstanceBox/xxx ?

posted 1259 days ago

Hello, I think the Tor address should be changed to the V3 address on this page, and any others. The official onion can be found at The current V3 onion being vvedndyt433kopnhv6vejxnut54y5752vpxshjaqmj7ftwiu6quiv2ad.onion

posted 1327 days ago

also, revision/new pages approvals I personally find it a bit unpractical that for most edits it takes a very, very long time for it to be approved and shown on the page. Or some that have never been aproved (or rejected) so far.

I find it's better to have approval required that none at all but it's unpractical sometimes, like for important harm reduction related edits or new substance pages.

Do you still have helper positions and people with it? maybe mods that are active alot as well as helpers that are active regularly could be in charge of that? Just my idea I figured I wanted to share for a while now.

Cheers :) I hope that everything is doing OK for you rn

posted 1339 days ago

Hey, how are you :)

Quick question. I was revisiting the Substance list and thought it might be a very good idea to highlight the most recognisable substances (eg psilocin psilocybin GHB LSD Xanax Cocaine Mephedrone and so on). like in bold format. The list is so large atm it takes quite a bit to find the only popular substance of a category with 50 members

posted 1479 days ago

I haven't really done a substanceBox from scratch yet, so the substanceBox from Midazolam might be a little rough.