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Stimfapping is a highly sophisticated psychonaut activity which involves intense masturbation sessions while under the influence of stimulants. Due to the increased libido commonly produced by certain stimulants, regular users often feel the need to engage in sexual and autosexual acts more often. entactogenic stimulants, such as MDMA, are usually associated with increased emotional connection and users are disinhibited and more likely to engage in physical intimacy with others. However, some non-entactogenic stimulants, such as amphetamine and methamphetamine can cause anxiety and anti-social behavior, sometimes forcing users to masturbate rather than seek sexual partners. Amphetamine use is also connected with erectile dysfunction and difficulty orgasming [1], thus even prolonging the time needed to reach desired satisfaction. Anecdotal evidence suggests that majority of stimfappers are male, although the libido-influencing nature of stimulants is present in all sexes.
History and culture
Stimfapping is hypothesized to have been practiced over 5,000 years ago when Ephedrine started being used in traditional Chinese medicine. Due to its mild dopamine releasing effects it is likely that proto-stimfapping occured.
While scholars disagree how the term "stimfapping" was coined, it was likely popularized by the r/Stims community on the popular website Reddit.
Stimfaping is typically practiced under the influence of a dopamine releasing agent or reuptake-inhibitor, these substances often also contribute minor serotonergic activity.
Anecdotal evidence also suggest that careful addition of an opioid agonist might promote comfort and feelings of self-affection, while helping reducing twitchiness.
Subjective effects
Disclaimer: The effects listed below cite the Subjective Effect Index (SEI), an open research literature based on anecdotal user reports and the personal analyses of PsychonautWiki contributors. As a result, they should be viewed with a healthy degree of skepticism.
It is also worth noting that these effects will not necessarily occur in a predictable or reliable manner, although higher doses are more liable to induce the full spectrum of effects. Likewise, adverse effects become increasingly likely with higher doses and may include addiction, severe injury, or death ☠.
Physical effects 
Cognitive effects 
Harm potential
Stimfapping carries risks of stimulant abuse and pornography/masturbation addiction, aswell as physical injury due to continuous friction over the extend of the stimfapping session.
Some users also report cases of intense epididymal hypertension(blue balls).[2]
Other serious side effects include sexual dysfunction, social isolation and feelings of shame once no longer under the influence of stimulants.
Psychoactive substances
Compounds within our psychoactive substance index which may cause this effect include:
- 2-FA
- 2-FEA
- 2-FMA
- 3-FEA
- 3-FPM
- 3-MMC
- 3C-E
- 3C-P
- 4-FA
- 4-FMA
- 4F-EPH
- 4F-MPH
- 6-APB
- 6-APDB
- Amphetamine
- Armodafinil
- Bromo-DragonFLY
- Butylone
- Caffeine
- Cannabis
- Cocaine
- Cyclazodone
- Dextromethorphan
- Dichloropane
- Diphenidine
- Ephylone
- Ethylone
- Isopropylphenidate
- Lisdexamfetamine
- Mephedrone
- Methamphetamine
- Methiopropamine
- Methylone
- Methylphenidate
- N-Ethylhexedrone
- Nicotine
- Prolintane
- Propylhexedrine
- TMA-2
- TMA-6
- Theacrine
- Tyrosine
External links
- Stimfap (Wiktionary)
- Stimfap (Urban Dictionary)
- Aphrodisiac (Wikipedia)
- Epididymal hypertension (Wikipedia)
- r/Stims (Reddit)
- ↑ Chou NH, Huang YJ, Jiann BP. The Impact of Illicit Use of Amphetamine on Male Sexual Functions. J Sex Med. 2015 Aug;12(8):1694-702. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12926. Epub 2015 Jul 6. PMID: 26147855.
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