Main Page/ReplicationBox

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Featured replications

Asphalt by Chelsea Morgan.jpgAsphalt by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Namaste (Trifoliata Mystica) by Luke Brown.jpgNamaste (Trifoliata Mystica) by Luke Brown - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry based autonomous entities.Autonomous entity
Wibbly Wobbly Bed Room by Chelsea Morgan.jpgWibbly Wobbly Bedroom by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting.Drifting
Tumblr n37xm8eyf31r8oyaho1 400.gifDrifting gun by Anonymous - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting.Drifting
Chur City in Switzerland.jpgColor enhancement
J7gqGh.jpguntitled by Anonymous - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry in the form of fractals.Geometry
Flowing Fruit.gifFlowing fruit by Anonymous - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as drifting as experienced over a bowl of fruit.Drifting
Grass on 2cb by inifinity.jpgGrass on 2C-B by Infinity - This image serves as accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Geometry2.jpgUntitled by Shipibo-Conibo people - This textile was created by endogenous people to represent ayahuasca hallucinations. It serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry.Geometry
The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh.gifThe Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting.Drifting
Drifting cat by Anonymous.gifDrifting Cat by Anonymous - This image serves as an extremely accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting.Drifting
K-HOLE.jpgThe K-Hole by Josikins - This image serves as an artistic replication of the common and simultaneous dissociative induced effects known as disconnection from visual input, holes, spaces and voids and hallucinatory structures.Visual disconnection
Jerrestrial detail by Luke Brown.jpgJerrestrial detail by Luke Brown - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as autonomous entities.Autonomous entity
DAT BREATHIN' YO!.gifBreathing wooden post by Anonymous - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting.Drifting
Symmetry on treebark.jpgSymmetry on tree bark by Josikins - This image serves as accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Double vision.jpgDesktop double vision by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced effect known as double vision.Double vision
Visual disconnection
Namaste 3D by Luke Brown.gifNamaste 3D by Luke Brown - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as autonomous entities.Autonomous entity
Tracersblur.jpgTracers by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as tracers.Tracers
In the tree by Eddie calz.jpgIn the tree by Eddie calz - This artwork serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry (level 4). This particular image demonstrates how a tree make look when encompassed within high level geometry.Geometry
Enhancement of colours - woods.jpgThe Woods by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as a replication of colour enhancement. The brightness of the colour represents how one may perceive the world whilst under the influence of this effect.Color enhancement
Gravel by Chelsea Morgan.jpgGravel by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Lake on LSD by Mrmedicman.jpgLake on LSD by mrmedicman - This psychedelic art serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry in its open eye form.Geometry
Storm-face.jpgFace within a cloud by Denis Farmer - This image serves as an example of pattern recognition enhancement.Pattern recognition enhancement
Leaves by Chelsea Morgan.jpgLeaves by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Ice by Chelsea Morgan.jpgIce by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Breakthrough by Larry Carlson.jpgBreakthrough by Larry Carlson - This psychedelic art serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the common psychedelic effect known as geometry as it is sometimes experienced at high levels with open eyes when staring at a persons face.Geometry
After images.jpgAfter images by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as after images.After images
Switch by Sam Perkins.pngSwitch. by Sam Perkins - This psychedelic art serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry (level 4).Geometry
Paradise island by Xanny.jpgParadise island by Subsentience - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced effects known as colour enhancement, geometry and symmetrical texture repetition.Geometry
Symmetrical texture repetition
Color enhancement
Motion by Bill Wadman.jpgMotion by Bill Wadman - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as tracers.Tracers
Grass by Chelsea Morgan.jpgGrass by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Wood.gifBreathing woodgrain by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting as it is often seen on woodgrain.Drifting
The Phenakistoscope-diamond by Larry Carlson.jpgThe Phenakistoscope-diamond by Larry Carlson - This psychedelic art serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry.Geometry
Hallucinationary states1.jpgUntitled by Anonymous - This psychedelic art serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry based autonomous entity contact.Geometry
Autonomous entity
Geometry3.jpgUntitled by Shipibo-Conibo people - This textile was created by endogenous people to represent ayahuasca hallucinations. It serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry.Geometry
White Wolf Drinking Water by Anonymous.gifWhite Wolf Drinking Water by Anonymous - This image serves as an extremely accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting.Drifting
Red Woods by CountRoloff.jpgRedwoods by CountRoloff - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as visual drifting.Drifting
Apotheosis by Luke Brown.jpgApotheosis by Luke Brown - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as contact with autonomous entities.Autonomous entity
Alpha Centauri by Luke Brown.jpgAlpha Centauri by Luke Brown - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as autonomous entities.Autonomous entity
Stones by Chelsea Morgan.jpgStones by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Salvia Dalinorum by Luke Brown.jpgSalvia Dalinorum by Luke Brown - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as autonomous entities.Internal hallucination
Bathroom Rug by Chelsea Morgan.jpgBathroom Rug by Chelsea Morgan - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as symmetrical texture repetition.Symmetrical texture repetition
Baphomet by Luke Brown.jpgBaphomet by Luke Brown - This image serves as an accurate portrayal of a single frame of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as autonomous entities.Autonomous entity
Natural fractal close up.jpgNatural Fractal - Close-up by Windy Power - This photo of a Romanesco broccoli serves as an accurate portrayal of the commonly experienced psychedelic effect known as geometry in the form of fractals.Geometry