Experience:Kratom(7-OH) - Sedative Nod

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Experience indexKratom

  • Substance(s): 7-Hydroxymitragynine
  • Dose: 9mg + 9mg
  • Route of Administration: Oral


  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Male
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Weight: 145 lb
  • Date: 02/2025
  • Location: North America


Note: This section may include relevant background information such as the user's experience level (with this particular substance and substances in general), currently prescribed medications or health conditions, any other substances taken, suspected tolerance, set and setting, etc.

I have previously taken Maeng Da red Kratom at about 8-10g, with it having no recreational value that I remember, only a moderate anxiety relief and pain relief. So I decided to try 7-OH since I heard that it is even stronger than morphine and actually euphoric.

Experience report

After receiving the tablets I took half a tablet and after about 15 minutes I felt subtle but noticeable effects. First, I noticed that my mind seemed to quiet down with no worrying thoughts, after about 5 minutes my vision and head felt "heavier", specifically a heavy pressure on both sides of my head. When trying to walk I felt like i was walking drunk, turning around felt very forced and simply grabbing things were harder, at this point the one thing that I knew for certain was that I was not sober. After 5 more minutes my body seemed to warm up if I did not move, and simply laying down felt like bliss, it was at this point that I thought of taking the second half of the tablet. This time it kicked in even faster at 5 minutes, my head started to feel extremely heavy and my focus worsened, 95% of my fears and anxieties were removed and I didn't feel disassociated from my environment for once. After another 10 minutes passed I finally felt the infamous 7-OH euphoria, it was not the greatest and felt dirty and heavy, the best way to describe it is like having a headache and feeling great at the same time. Another 10 minutes in and I started to itch myself in random spots like my face, neck, and chest. My skin became flushed and my pupils were clearly constricted, my attention and focus became so bad that I started zoning out heavily not paying attention to anything I was doing. Thinking that paying attention to my computer was "ruining my high", I decided to take a nap. Trying to fall asleep felt impossible, as my mind was thinking the whole time making up strange hypnagogic scenarios, while my body was asleep. By the time I "woke up" about an hour later, I felt angry for no reason and 5 minutes later a dull and annoying headache surfaced with moderate nausea. The euphoric effects wore off about 1 hour and 30 minutes after the 2nd tablet, but the side effects remained for another hour. Interestingly enough the pain relief lasted the longest at about 4 hours, I knew it was still working since using eye drops on my eyes did not sting whatsoever.

In conclusion, I would say that 7-OH does have some recreational value depending on the person. The feeling I felt the most during the experience was sedation, so I was not able to enjoy it as much as I had with stimulants such as Benzedrex which had a more sharper euphoric feel whereas 7-OH felt like a heavy dull euphoric feeling. I do think that with correct dosing 7-OH can be highly beneficial to those with anxiety disorders or chronic pain.


T+ 0:00 - First 1/2 (9 mg) tablet

T+ 0:20 - Second 1/2 (9 mg) tablet

T+ 0:30 - First noticeable effects

T+ 0:50 - Peak

T+ 1:30 - Coming down

T+ 2:30 - Return to sobriety

Submitted by Anonymous

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