User profile:Entheogenie11

Editing pages and contributing my experiences and knowledge so others can have fun and be safe too.
Psilocybin/Psilocin, THC, LSD, LSA, alkyl nitrites.
Step-Brothers, Old-Boy, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, sci-fi, comedy, etc...
Youtube, SpongeBob, Family Guy, American Dad, PBS, BBC, and Breaking Bad...
Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Schoenberg, Reich, Classic Rock, Hard-Core rap and hip-hop, certain heavy metal or Punk...
A really Good day, A series of Unfortunate Events, The Mind-Gut Connection, Roots of Consciousness...
GTA Series, Animal Crossing, Katamari Forever, True Crime: Streets of L.A., Strong Hold for PC, Sim-City, and Heavy Rain... eew
Time, Playboy, Men's Health...
Anything... and EVERYTHING.
White Russian, Arnold Palmer, Rum and Coke, Screwdriver, Craft Beers and, Mikes...
Asheville, North Carolina,
Gaffney, SC,