
Luke Robinson
Saskatoon, Canada
March 19th
Financially independant, My job is to be the first person to try every single drug in the world at least once in every possiable roa for that drug. Also to do all the ketamine that exists or will ever exist in the future cause I like it that much, also fi
Earth, The internet, and the matrix that one time I broke through on salvia
University of Saskatchewan,
Bachelors Degrees in Computer engineering & Chemical engineering, with minors in astronomy and psychology Masters in Software engineering
Urban shaman, interests include Pharmacology, Psychology, Psychopathology, Chemistry, Sociology, Psychopharmacology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Chemical Engineering, Philosophy, Pharmacogenomics, Neuroanatomy, Toxicology, Neurochemistry, Psychophysiology, Neuropsycology, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmicokinetics, Neuropharmacology, Neuropsychiatry, Neuroscience/Behavioural Neuroscience. Drug education, First aid services, Responsible use doctrine educator, Harm reduction volunteer, Drug Enthusiast, All around good guy.