Dark City, Into the void, irreversible, Big Lebowski, Akira, Ghost in a Shell, Ink, Paprika, Party Monsters, requiem for a dream, lord of the rings fucking extended version, summer wars, spun, blow, fear and loathing, serenity, heavy metal 2000, heavy metal, dead alive
cowboy bebop, afro samurai, x-files, firefly, one punch man,
Jazz, Icelandic atmospheric metal and Indie, metalcore, classical, indie, techno, trance, hip-hop,
Tibetan book of living and dying, magicians, the poetic edda, the Galdrebok,
Minecraft, Talos principle, half-life 1,2,2.1,2.2, etc, The elder scrolls: Skyrim and Morrowind, eldritch, SOMA, savage Lands, far cry 4, Bioshock infinite, mirrors edge,
Denver, CO,
Student, gallery intern.
PM for website
Colorado, Utah, California, Baltimore, Florence, Venice, Hawaii